Stay tuned here For new Projects and events happening in the studio and beyond!

Currently on display

On Display in Concourse A in the Denver International Airport

A group show of teachers and students from Flux Studio Denver.


New Projects In the works!

One of the things I loved to do when I was young was to imagine mythological creatures that could live in my area. As a kid growing up surrounded by the wilderness of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there was always a mythos of the creatures that roamed the woods. This creature isn’t a play on any myth in particular, but mainly an idea of an animal I can see having evolved to lived in northern woodlands. Strong, sturdy, and as elusive as they come, somewhere between horse and goat. Mostly likely a creature evolved from the family of three-toed ungulates, but lost to time.

This project was created with paper clay. This water-based clay allows me to create very light, hollow and highly detailed sculptures.

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Projects, Projects, Projects!

Creatures and humanoids of all shapes and sizes!

Along with imagining myths of creatures from my childhood, I also like to think about the current places I live. Colorado has an amazing rich history or myths, from Bigfoot to the Tommyknockers. There are myths in all corners and peoples of the area.

This guy was a creation based off my love of the prairies of Colorado. I view him as a horned deity of the plains. One that roams with the prong horn and coyotes alike.